WISC-4 Intelligence Test
Home » Our Services » WISC-4 Intelligence TestWISC-R Intelligence Test is an intelligence test applied to children between 6 years 0 months and 16 years 11 months in our country and is one of the tests with the highest validity and reliability.
WISC-IV (WISC-4) is the fourth version of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. With the decrease in the effectiveness of the Wisc-r test, the WISC-4 Intelligence Test was updated to evaluate children more comprehensively according to the conditions of the situation they are in. It evaluates the skill levels within their age group, as well as their own strengths and weaknesses and the skills that need to be supported.
The WISC-4 Intelligence Test also helps to better understand the child’s intelligence status, to distinguish diagnostic conditions such as learning difficulties, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, and to better detect problems such as self-confidence problems, school adaptation problems, course failure, exam anxiety, difficulty in understanding, stubbornness, aggression, and opposing impulse control disorders.
The test consists of 10 basic subtests and 5 additional tests. There are four different areas measured in the test. The 10 basic subtests are solved by the children during the application. If necessary, some or all of the 5 additional tests can be applied.
1) Verbal Comprehension : Comprehension is related to concept formation, verbal knowledge and verbal expression skills. Each task requires the ability to understand auditory stimuli, access information in memory, and express reactions verbally. In addition to verbal knowledge, it represents learned knowledge and skills. Language and cultural proficiency provide insight into academic success. It measures abstract and concrete verbal reasoning; understanding and using words; common sense, social knowledge and decision-making skills in practical matters.
2) Perceptual Reasoning: Measures fluent and perceptual reasoning and perceptual organization. Each task requires skills used in visual perception and organization, reasoning using visually presented material, and manipulation. Tasks require visual-motor coordination and speed, visual-spatial, and fluent reasoning. Measures nonverbal concept formation, perceptual abilities, visual processing, focus and attention, categorical and abstract reasoning, and the ability to use verbal cues in visual tasks.
3) Working Memory: Measures short-term auditory memory, attention, concentration, working memory. Each task requires selection and monitoring attention, mental orientation, verbal reconstruction, recall, sequencing abilities.
4) Processing speed: Measures mental processing speed, letter-motor processing speed. Each task requires the efficient production of multiple motor responses, such as visual perception and organization, visual scanning, control of attention, maintenance of effort, and speed. Measures short-term nonverbal memory, retention of nonverbal symbols, ability to notice details in a short time, visual processing speed, selective attention, visual perception, and fine motor coordination skills.
- Verbal Information
- Verbal Expression
- Perceptual Reasoning and Organization
- Social Knowledge
- Short-Term Auditory Memory
- Attention
- Concentration
- Mental Processing Speed
- Visual-Motor and Fine Motor Coordination Skills
The WISC 4 Intelligence Test evaluation is examined in every aspect with behavioral observations, information received from the school and family, regardless of only the test scores. During the test evaluation, children are evaluated comprehensively according to both the norms and the distribution of success within themselves. Scores are never shared in order to protect the child from labeling. Instead of scores, children’s orientation, areas of success and tendency, as well as their strengths are shared.
If the request for an intelligence test evaluation is made by the child’s psychiatrist or school, the evaluation report is delivered to the doctor or institution with the family’s knowledge and approval.
The WISC 4 Intelligence Test must be administered once in the same year. In order to repeat the test, the most accurate result will be achieved by waiting 1 year from the time it was administered.
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