Psychological Tests and Inventories

Psychological tests and inventories provide scientific data about you or your child. With psychological tests and inventories, it is used to obtain information about the individual's condition that cannot be easily obtained in just one interview. These scales can be related to behavioral, emotional, personality traits, intelligence, attention, occupational or academic issues. 

Psychological tests and inventories shorten the counseling process and ensure positive progress with the client. Tests and inventories with children and adolescents play an important role in determining the needs of your child in the academic process in the light of scientific data.  

As 2Face Psychology Center, we serve you with expert testers in the field of tests and inventories in our institution. You can contact us for detailed information and get information about all tests according to your child's needs.

Child-Adolescent Tests and Inventories:

          Moxo Attention Test

          Multiple Intelligence Test (TIMI)

          WISC-4 Intelligence Test

          WISC-R Intelligence Test

          Denver II Developmental Screening Test

          Stanford Binet Intelligence Test

          Porteus Labyrinth Test

          Gesell Development Test

          Benton Visual Perception and Visual Memory Test

          Bender/Gestalt Psychomotor Perception and Coordination Test

          Koppitz "Draw a Man" and "Draw a Family" Quiz

          Bier Sentence Completion Test

          State and Trait Anxiety Scale/STAI

          Louisa Duss Psychoanalytic Stories Test

          Frostig Developmental Visual Perception Test

          Ankara Development Test Inventory

          School Readiness Assessment Test

          Metropolitan School Maturity Test

          Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test

          Draw A Person Test

          Beck Depression Inventory

          Anxiety Scale for Children

          Failure Scale

          The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)


Adult Tests and Inventories:

          Moxo Attention Test

          Aptitude and Interest Tests

          Personality Tests

          Happinest Test

          PERMA Profile Test

          Family Life and Child-rearing Attitude Scale/PARI

          Family Rating Scale

          Relationship Scales Questionnaire